These busy airport McDonald's can have a big line of customers all in need of speedy and accurate service. Since real estate is expensive, the McDonald's have small counters that get clogged with customers, order takers, orders, etc (Image 1: The O'Hare Airport Hall "C" McDonald's on a good day). Once an order is placed, the customer (sometimes) is told that their order number is on the receipt and that we are to listen for our number to be called. We are then left to disapear back into the crowd and await our message. This is the lowest form of the McShuffle. Customers, many of whom speak English as a second language, stand in the crowded, noisy airport terminal, occasionally not knowing what wil lhappen next, listening to McDonald's crew members screaming out numbers. We aren't sure if we heard things correctly, if our number has been called and we missed it, etc. The crew get frustrated when we don't step up and claim our order promptly. There is usually a lot of yelling, confusion, and bad experiences. The McChronicles has even seen a crew member placed into the crowd to help relay the number shouting and to help customers spawn their way back to the counter through a throng of increasingly disgruntled people waiting for THEIR number to be called. What does this all tell you?
The crew all look at a flat panel that tells them which orders are in process (Image 2). Why not make a similar (but larger) screen available to the customers? That way we can all watch the screen and track our order. And, the crew can be sure that their announcement is made clearly. This could add some dignity and confidence to the situation - improving the experience for both the customer and the crew.
Images: The McChronicles
The McChronicles: a blog about, not affiliated with, McDonald's.
1 comment:
Not so little an order.
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