Thursday, August 25, 2005

GOLDEN ARCHES ALIVE: Shades of "Hilltop"

Here's a chance to make history!

According to a media alert from The McDonald's Operators of the Capital District appearing on Empire Information Service's website, "The internationally recognized symbol of McDonald's - the Golden Arches - will be formed by people dressed in golden ponchos at the Riverfront Park in Albany to celebrate McDonald's partnerships in the community. One of the McDonald's restaurant owners, Pat Arnott, will be flying her plane over the Golden Arches for a photograph of the event. "

The event is scheduled to occur on Tuesday, August 30, 2005 at Riverfront Park in Albany, NY, USA. For more information, contact Mary Scanlan, Scanlan Communications Group, +1-518-424-5125.

This reminds The McChronicles of A REALLY BIG AD that comes from downunder. Worth a view.

The McChronicles would LOVE to receive images or video from anyone who participates in this event.

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

Big Ad? Small Ad!

Watch it at