i stumbled upon your website. i thought i'd skim and found out youre from, or near, new hartford, ny. so am i. make sure you stop at the lake george, ny mcdonalds. no one speaks good english and may screw up an order due to this reason.
Yeah, I'm McDonald's crew. I've played around with StationM. It's not really a new thing; it's been around for over a year. Now, I am an "Ambassador" for StationM within my restaurant. So, I do what I can to spread the word about StationM.
I'm a new McManager as some of us call ourselves and have been looking for information about the company. I stumbled upon StationM on the McD's corporate site, and have only been using it for a short time.
It is not the typical social site like myspace or facebook. You do not create a profile page with personal information and pics. It is more of a community blog with pics, news, policies, hints, tips, tricks, competitions and commentary some of it is from corporate some of it from users.
I have found it to be a great way to keep up with what other stores are doing and upcoming changes.
I'm currently working on getting my crew involved as I feel it would be a way to get them more excited about being involved with the company. Especially since it is geared towards the younger crowd and much of my crew is high-school aged.
The site has been up for a little more than a year and I believe the company is re-evaluating the effectiveness of the current site and that some changes are in store.
If McDonalds wants to sell a real burger[Angus] for real prices, you might want to try to serve them hot. Maybe a large burger is not meant to be microwaved. Hot it is great cold it has cogealed grease in it that makes it very disappointing.If you want to sell higher price meals you need to maybe sacrifice speed for quality. I'm pretty sure some one would be willing to wait the 3 minutes it probably takes to cook it fresh.
In response to this the Angus burgers should always be fresh if proper procedures are being followed. I assure that your experience is not the same with all stores. The Angus meat is of high quality and should always reflect that. We always strive to strike that balance between quality and service. I have never been afraid to ask a customer to wait while I make fresh product because not only would I not want to eat it but I certainly would never serve it!
I recently started working at McDonald's and have been trying to gain access to the website since I started with no such luck! I'm not sure what the problem is.
i stumbled upon your website. i thought i'd skim and found out youre from, or near, new hartford, ny. so am i. make sure you stop at the lake george, ny mcdonalds. no one speaks good english and may screw up an order due to this reason.
Yeah, I'm McDonald's crew. I've played around with StationM. It's not really a new thing; it's been around for over a year. Now, I am an "Ambassador" for StationM within my restaurant. So, I do what I can to spread the word about StationM.
@mgray: THANKS! If you can, share some STationM insights with us.
I'm a new McManager as some of us call ourselves and have been looking for information about the company. I stumbled upon StationM on the McD's corporate site, and have only been using it for a short time.
It is not the typical social site like myspace or facebook. You do not create a profile page with personal information and pics. It is more of a community blog with pics, news, policies, hints, tips, tricks, competitions and commentary some of it is from corporate some of it from users.
I have found it to be a great way to keep up with what other stores are doing and upcoming changes.
I'm currently working on getting my crew involved as I feel it would be a way to get them more excited about being involved with the company. Especially since it is geared towards the younger crowd and much of my crew is high-school aged.
The site has been up for a little more than a year and I believe the company is re-evaluating the effectiveness of the current site and that some changes are in store.
If McDonalds wants to sell a real burger[Angus] for real prices, you might want to try to serve them hot. Maybe a large burger is not meant to be microwaved. Hot it is great cold it has cogealed grease in it that makes it very disappointing.If you want to sell higher price meals you need to maybe sacrifice speed for quality.
I'm pretty sure some one would be willing to wait the 3 minutes it probably takes to cook it fresh.
In response to this the Angus burgers should always be fresh if proper procedures are being followed. I assure that your experience is not the same with all stores. The Angus meat is of high quality and should always reflect that. We always strive to strike that balance between quality and service. I have never been afraid to ask a customer to wait while I make fresh product because not only would I not want to eat it but I certainly would never serve it!
I'm sorry your experience was poor.
Fantastic post.I like your article.Very informative post.
Not bad at all.
I recently started working at McDonald's and have been trying to gain access to the website since I started with no such luck! I'm not sure what the problem is.
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